Circana confectionery monitor: double-digit revenue increase with mild drop in sales volume

Formed by the merger of Information Resources, Inc. (IRI) and The NPD Group (NPD), the Circana market research enterprise has now released its debut confectionery monitor covering January and February of 2023.
Circana reports German retail confectionery revenues increased by 10.2% up to € 2.576 bn during the reporting period. Sales volume in the first two months sank by 1.3% down to 297,100 tonnes (basis: food retailers + drug stores).

The sweet baked goods/cakes group registered a strong increase in revenues of 16.5% up to € 507.1 m (sales volume - 3.0%; 77,000 t). Sugar confectionery suppliers increased earnings by 13.6% up to € 420.4 m (sales volume + 1.3%; 59,100 t). The salty snacks product group also enjoyed a significant increase of 12.4% up to € 717.6 m (sales volume - 2.4%; 74,700 t). Comparatively, the most important category, chocolate products, enjoyed only a mild increase of 4.3% up to € 925.4 m (sales volume - 0.4%; 86,000 t).

A look at the sales channels reveals that only discounters and consumer markets with sales space of more than 800 square metres increased growth in confectionery revenues during the start of 2023. Of the total € 239 m in increased revenues compared to the same period in the previous year, € 127 m were attributed to the discounters, with € 89 m allocated to the consumer markets.
