Biofach 2023: Herza Schokolade to present three innovative concepts

At Biofach 2023 tradeshow in Nuremberg/Germany (14 to 17 February 2023, booth 9-435d), exhibitor Herza Schokolade will be focusing on three topics: organic vegan, nat-ural sweetness and food pairing.
With its three trending organic product lines, this spe-cialist in small chocolate pieces provides creative variety for muesli, snacks, ice cream and baked goods. The demand for organic vegan alternatives to milk and white chocolate pieces contin-ues to grow. The big challenge is to get the familiar creamy and milky flavour, and this is exactly what Herza has done with its new products. These organic vegan alternatives to milk chocolate are based on sunflower protein and come in flavour combinations with amaranth or salty caramel, and as Double Chips with a brown coating around a white core. The company uses oat flour as the basis for its organic vegan white choco-late alternatives. In the varieties white chocolate with coffee nibs, vanilla caramel and lemon grass matcha, they shall enable new product ideas for the booming plant-based market.

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