NielsenIQ confectionery monitor: sugar confectionery exceeds last year’s performance

German retail confectionery sales in the first half of 2022 have fallen short of the level of the previous year. According to the NielsenIQ confectionery monitor from calendar week 26 of 2022, revenues fell by 3.3% down to € 7.304 bn with a decline in sales volume of 4.0% down to 858,600 tonnes (basis: grocery retail + drug stores).

Sugar confectionery was the only product group to surpass the value of the previous year (+ 0.6%; € 1.180 bn). Sugar confectionery sales volume declined by 1.1% down to 178,700 tonnes. Salty snacks suppliers suffered the biggest losses in revenues (- 4.7%; € 1.876 bn) and sales volume (- 6.5%; 220,900 t). Chocolate products also struggled with losses in revenues (- 4.0%; € 3.337 bn) and sales volume (- 3.5%; 309,000 t). Sweet baked goods revenues sank by 2.9% down to € 911.9 m (sales volume: - 4.6%; 150,000 t).

Drug stores were the only sales channel to increase confectionery revenues with a 6.5% rise (+ € 23.5 m). Small supermarkets achieved the previous year’s value (+ 0.1%; + € 0.1 m). Large supermarkets (- 7.5%; - € 43.0 m), small consumer markets (- 3.4%; - € 57.5 m), large consumer markets (- 4.6%; - € 68.9 m), and discounters (- 3.1%; - € 105.0 m) all remained below last year‘s figures.

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