For most of the exhibiting companies the participation was an important step in the direction of normality. After the break due to the pandemic, the focus lay above all on meeting up personally with the international trade audience. The high quality of the trade visitors as well as the long periods of time set aside for discussions, which cannot be replaced by digital alternatives, went down very well with the exhibitors. The overall impression comprising of the exhibits of packaging, machines and systems also met with a positive response.
Over 60 % of the trade visitors came from abroad, in particular from Europe (primarily also Eastern Europe) the Near East, Africa, the EFTA states and Asia as well as from Central and South America. Furthermore, a few visitors from North America and Oceania were represented at the trade fair. The countries with the strongest participations include the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium and France. Alongside production managers from leading companies, numerous medium-sized and smaller companies also came to gather information, since they themselves make the decisions regarding further investments in their companies.
Above all, the exhibiting companies concentrated on future-oriented topics. In the Ingredients section and in the new Ingredients Event Zone, natural ingredients and solutions for reformulated products still played a major role. Beyond this, flexible machines that can be adapted to changed recipes and demands as a result of their fast set-up options were also under focus. In the packaging section, the significance of individualised forms and sustainable packaging is growing. The trend towards individualized products was also reflected in the survey “My Food – Personalized Diets” of the German Agricultural Society (DLG), which was presented at the trade fair.
The next ProSweets Cologne is scheduled to take place from Sunday, 29 January 2023, to Wednesday, 1 February 2023.