Among others, the following companies are participating at ProSweets Cologne 2022 (in alphabetical order): Belgian Sweets Design, Cesarin, Coppenrath-Feingebäck, Craemer, Chocal Packaging Solutions, Dupont, Esbe Plastic, Focke Packaging Solutions, Fürst, Gerhard Schubert, GNT Group, Hänsel Processing, Hansella, IMA, Knobel Maschinenbau, Loesch Verpackungstechnik, Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann, Memak, Nefamak, Netzsch-Feinmahltechnik, Norevo, Prodinger Verpackung, Royal Duyvis Wiener, SACMI Packaging & Chocolate, Sollich, Sopp Industrie, Syntegon Technology, Theegarten-Pactec, Ulma Packaging, Ulmer Schokoladen and Vemag Maschinenbau.
One of the focal points of ProSweets Cologne 2022 is going to be the new Ingredients event zone in Hall 5.2, next to the Trend & Natural Snacks section of ISM, and it will ensure that the two trade fairs are more closely interlinked. In addition to market-relevant trends and surveys, the visitors can also look forward to a knowledge hub here with presentations by ingredients exhibitors on the latest product developments and innovations. Beyond this, the “Packaging” special event will present new forms of packaging that also comply with the new guidelines of the EU legislation. The focus will particularly lie on sustainable solutions, that is resource-saving, waste-avoiding, reusable packaging and digitalization. A third highlight also awaits the trade visitors, namely the future congress “#CONNECT2030 in transition”, which is being jointly organized with ISM. Here, in the scope of panel discussions and lectures, renowned experts will give an outlook of the future of the sweets and snacks industry and what can be expected in terms of trends and developments up until 2030.