The high level of internationality with a good registration status from Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy and the Netherlands, with in some cases increased floor space, indicates that the industry is ready for the re-start. As such, Koelnmesse is confident that if the current situation continues to show such positive development, they will be able to match the pre-Corona level with the ProSweets Cologne 2022. The international supplier trade fair for sweets and snacks is once again as in previous years being staged parallel to ISM, the world’s largest and most important trade fair for sweets and snacks.
In the Packaging Machines and Packaging Materials section among others the following have already registered: Gerhard Schubert (Germany), Loesch (Germany), Sacmi (Italy), Sopp Industrie (Germany) as well as Theegarten-Pactec (Germany) and Belgian Sweets Design (Belgium). The Machines and Systems segment has recorded registrations for example from Aasted (Denmark), Hänsel Processing (Germany), Hansella (Germany), Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann (Germany), Netzsch-Feinmahltechnik (Germany), Sollich (Germany), Royal Duyvis Wiener (the Netherlands) and Vemag Maschinenbau (Germany). In the Raw Materials and Ingredients section among other the GNT Group (the Netherlands) has already confirmed its participation.
In terms of content, the focus will once again lie on the sections Production & Packaging Technology, Packaging and Packaging Materials, Raw Materials and Ingredients as well as on Operating Equipment and Auxiliary Devices. A particular emphasis here will lie on sustainable packaging solutions, personalized diet, the reduction strategies of salt, sugar and fat as well as the implementation of alternative sources of protein. Sustainable approaches are particularly gaining significance in the production sector. Here, themes like the avoidance and reduction of food losses in the production, raw material shortages and procurement as well as the reduction of packaging materials will be of high relevance at the supplier trade fair in 2022.
ProSweets Cologne is once again being accompanied by an extensive event programme such as special events on the themes packaging and ingredients as well as expert lectures in the Speakers Corner. The establishment of the new Ingredients event zone and a lecture stage in Hall 5.2 is leading to an even closer interlinking with ISM. In this way, the section will in future serve more as a source of inspiration for new concepts and product ideas for the development of alternative products and product variants. This will encompass raw materials, ingredients as well as semi-finished products.
The industry sponsors of ProSweets Cologne are the Federal Association of the German Sweets Industry (BDSI), Sweets Global Network e. V. (SG), the German Agricultural Society (DLG e. V.) and the Central College of the German Sweets Industry (ZDS).