Barry Callebaut`s target is to lift over 500,000 cocoa farmers out of poverty by 2025. In fiscal year 2019/20 the company was helping more than 140,000 farmers. Barry Callebaut distributed over 2.0 million cocoa seedlings (+ 19%) and over 1.6 million shade trees (+ 124%), and sourced 61% of all non-cocoa ingredients from sustainable sources (+ 13%). Including the cocoa volume, the company sourced 47% of raw materials from sustainable sources. The global Gourmet brands, Callebaut, Cacao Barry and Carma have successfully implemented a 100% sustainable cocoa supply chain.
Another very important target is to eradicate child labour from the supply chain by 2025. In the fiscal year under review 22,965 cases of child labour were found in Barry Callebaut`s cocoa supply chain.