The winning packaging design is a very special tin container the company made for their client Klepper & Klepper, a renowned liquorice manufacturer. The collaboration resulted in a special tin packaging never seen before in the liquorice industry. The outstanding packaging has a dual-purpose usage: by clever and innovative design, the end result acts as packaging as well as product display.
Klepper & Klepper has a clear mission: to produce the Best Liquorice Ever. Not only is this liquorice very tasty, it is also free of gluten and gelatine. The Best Liquorice Ever needs packaging that suits it. To make this into a reality, The Box was given a cardboard dummy. Their job was to transform this into a sturdy container, which would further strengthen the branding. There was also a clear desire for dual-purpose usage.
The end result was a cool storage tin with a slim, tapered shape. This allows the tin to stand upright easily so that it can be admired. On the back of the unopened tin, the product information is on display, while the front reveals embossed lettering, that really encapsulates uniqueness with its relief. The white letters against the black design gives the tin a cool and distinctive appearance.
Opening the tin uncovers three bags of liquorice, which fit perfectly into the tin. A clever wire allows the tin to remain open. The inside, too, reinforces the Klepper & Klepper branding through the added design features. The tin’s dual function is that it can also be used as a display. Retailers can present the bags of liquorice in upright position inside the open tin.