01/10/2020 | Trade, Trends

Nielsen confectionery monitor: salty snacks with double-digit growth

German retail confectionery sales continue to enjoy positive development. In the latest Nielsen confectionery monitor the market researchers report, “Revenues are growing somewhat stronger than sales volume due to slightly rising prices (kg)”.
Revenues rose in the first eight months of this year by 6.9% up to € 9.387 bn. Sales volume increased by 6.8% up to 1.161 m tonnes (basis: food retailers + drug stores; last accumulated year (YTD) – week through 30/08/2020).
Salty snacks have been the biggest profits beneficiary since the start of the Corona crisis and are continuing to drive growth in the entire confectionery category. Sales earnings of € 2.430 bn signified growth of 13.2% with sales volume of 297,200 tonnes (+ 10.4%). Chocolate products, the largest product group, achieved revenue growth of 5.8% up to € 4.172 bn and a sales volume increase of 5.7% up to 407,700 tonnes.
The baked goods product group enjoyed growth that was far above average, with Nielsen calculating revenues of € 1.213 bn (+ 9.5%) and sales volume of 213,700 tonnes (+ 9.0%). Sugar confectionery revenues came in at € 1.572 bn, slightly under last year’s level (- 0.6%), but sales quantities increased by 2.6% up to 241,900 tonnes.
The highest rates of growth in comparing confectionery revenues in the individual sales channels were achieved by consumer markets (small + 7.2%; large + 4.7%) and discounters (+ 4.3%). In contrast, small supermarkets clearly fell short of last year’s level with a decrease in revenues of 7.4%.

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