Hochdorf Group continues to sharpen its focus

On 8 July 2019, Hochdorf Group announced it would focus its strategy on its Baby Care and Dairy Ingredients divisions.
In line with this, the group has sought solutions for business areas no longer considered to be strategically relevant. Despite intensive efforts, the company has been unable to find buyers for Zifru Trockenprodukte GmbH, Snapz Foods AG and Snapz Foods USA, Inc. These three subsidiaries will therefore be liquidated.

Up to now, no interested party has come forward to take over Zifru Trockenprodukte GmbH at acceptable conditions. The company is also not expected to make a profit for the foreseeable future. For these reasons, the Board of Directors and the Senior Management Team have decided to open liquidation proceedings.

Likewise, no buyer has yet been found for Marbacher Ölmühle GmbH. Various restructuring steps at this company mean a marginally positive result is expected for the current financial year. With specific investments and additional market activities planned for its further development, the company will therefore remain part of the group.

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