Statement from Horst Bittermann, President of Pro Carton
In view of the current crisis with Covid-19, Horst Bittermann, Marketing Manager of Mayr-Melnhof Karton and President of Pro Carton, the European Association of the Carton and Cartonboard Manufacturers, makes an appeal to the branch.
“The world is facing one of its biggest challenges of our lifetimes – the COVID-19 global humanitarian situation. Now is the time to pull together, support each other and to abide by the guidance given by our local governments and health services. The carton and cartonboard industry is doing its utmost to maintain the flow of essential goods, in particular packaging for foods, pharmaceuticals and hygiene products being aware of its crucial role to ensure security of supply. We take our responsibility to society very seriously and all European cartonboard mills are working at full capacity and converters are striving to meet the high demand of the critical sectors. A big thank you goes out to all the employees within our industry who are doing a tremendous job to cope with the huge increase in demand that we are seeing.
There will inevitably be challenges ahead. To ensure wide availability of goods, the supply chain needs to work smoothly from its start right through to the consumer’s home. For us that means having sufficient raw material, both virgin and recycled fibre. It is essential that the supply of wood pulp is maintained and equally that paper based packaging and other paper products are sent for recycling (with separate collection where this is practised). It is imperative that local Governments and Councils maintain the operation of these recycling systems to guarantee that sufficient recycled paper fibre is available.“