Jakob Baer, Vice-Chairman, Board member since 2010 and Chairman of the Audit, Finance, Risk, Quality & Compliance Committee (AFRQCC), and Juergen Steinemann, Board member since 2014 and member of the Nomination & Compensation Committee (NCC), stepped down from their respective functions. The Board of Directors expressed its sincere gratitude to Jakob Baer for his competent guidance, especially on topics related to accounting, compliance and governance during a phase of steep growth and global expansion, and to Juergen Steinemann for his outstanding contribution to the further development of the company.
All other Board members, namely Patrick De Maeseneire, Fernando Aguirre, Suja Chandrasekaran, Angela Wei Dong, Nicolas Jacobs, Elio Leoni Sceti, Timothy Minges and Markus Neuhaus were reelected for another term of office of one year.