Südzucker confirms fiscal year 2019/20 forecast

Group consolidated first-quarter 2019/20 revenues of Südzucker AG decreased to € 1.68 (previous year: 1.74) bn.
While the sugar segment’s revenues fell sharply, the fruit seg-ment’s held steady at last year's level and the special products and CropEnergies segments’ rose.
The consolidated group operating result decreased as expected significantly to € 47 (previous year: 78) m. This decline is mainly due to the sugar segment loss incurred. The special prod-ucts and CropEnergies segments post significant results improvements while the fruit segment reports a downturn in results.

Südzucker confirms the forecast issued on 27 March 2019 for the 2019/20 fiscal year (1 March 2019 to 29 February 2020). We still expect consolidated group revenues of € 6.7 to 7.0 (previ-ous year: 6.8) bn. We anticipate the sugar segment’s revenues to drop moderately. We see the CropEnergies segment’s revenues ranging now between € 740 and 820 (previous forecast: 720 to 820; previous year: 693) m. We expect the special products segment’s revenues to rise slightly and the fruit segment’s to increase moderately.

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