In 2016, Bosch and BillerudKorsnäs presented their first major joint innovation: Sealed Paper Packaging on a vertical form, fill and seal machine (VFFS). The ZAP module from Bosch makes it possible to process mono-material Axello ZAP paper from BillerudKorsnäs on VFFS technology with dust-tight sealing. Now, Bosch Packaging Technology and BillerudKorsnäs are developing new sustainable paper-based packaging innovations. Both companies are further strengthening their approach to work closely with partners along the value chain to find better solutions for a sustainable future.
The first concrete result of this enhanced collaboration is the development of a new packaging concept called Pearl. It aims to show how uniquely formed and right-sized small packages, called shaped paper pods, can contribute to a more sustainable future by utilizing the unique formability of the FibreForm material (3D-formable paper patented by BillerudKorsnäs). The material is processed on machinery from Bosch Packaging Technology, who not only contributes long-standing expertise in forming, filling and sealing of a wide variety of materials to the cooperation but also ensures the subsequent industrialization of the newly developed technologies for commercial production. The Pearl concept will be shown at FachPack (24 to 26 September 2019 in Nuremberg/Germany), PackExpo (23 to 25 September 2019 in Las Vegas/USA) and Interpack (7 to 13 May 2020 in Dusseldorf/Germany).