SternMaid promotes biological diversity on its own company site

For Hamburg’s Stern-Wywiol Group, sustainable development, entrepreneurial activity and environmental protection go hand in hand. In keeping with this philosophy, the contract manufacturer SternMaid has created a flowering meadow some 11,500 m² in size on part of its company site.
The area behind Plant 2 is now home to numerous indigenous wild flowers, herbs, bushes and trees like hawthorn and pussy willow, providing a habitat for insects, birds and other animal species.

When SternMaid’s Plant 2 was built in Wittenburg in 2017, the design of the outdoor facilities was included in the planning. Following a suggestion by the company’s owner, Volkmar Wywiol, it was decided to plant a large part of the unused space with insect-friendly flowering perennials instead of just grass. In the meantime, a great many of the plants like poppies and wild perennials are in full bloom and serve insects as a source of nourishment. In order to counteract the loss of honey bees, two hives with as many as 60,000 bees each were set up on the meadow at the beginning of June and are looked after by a beekeeper.

Mark Riemer, SternMaid’s Commercial Manager, says: “At the same time, we are reducing the cost for the upkeep of a lawn and creating an attractive, green working environment. Besides the seating by the pond, we are now offering our employees an additional place where they can spend their breaks away from their workplaces.”

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