Manner increases revenues and its result in 2018
Increases were registered in 2018 both in the EBT with € 7.6 m (previous year: € 4.1 m) and in the EBIT with € 8.1 m (previous year: € 5.0 m). As in the previous fiscal years, the net operating profit in 2018 was influenced by exceptional expenditures for the renovation and reorientation of the company premises in Vienna, albeit only mildly.
Operating revenue rose by 6.0%, primarily due to the cited increases achieved in company revenues. The company statement attributes portions of the larger operating revenue increase principally to the decrease in the previous year’s stocks of finished and unfinished products. By only slightly increasing its stocks of supplies, coupled with simultaneous revenue increases, Manner’s inventory turnover rate rose further.
The price level of the raw materials used by the company developed positively in the reporting year over the preceding period. Lower prices for cocoa, hazelnuts and also sugar were responsible for this development, while flour for instance demonstrated a price increase tendency. The resulting percentage share of raw materials costs for the operating revenue stood at 29.3%, compared to 34.0% in 2017.