28/03/2019 | Trade, Trends

IRI monitor: mild increase in early 2019

The German confectionery retail has started out 2019 with a mild increase. Both sales volume and revenues rose in the first two months of the year, with the improved performance in revenues supporting mild price increases on the market.
According to the current IRI confectionery monitor, sales volume increased overall by 1.1% to a quantity of 262,008 tonnes. Total retail confectionery revenues rose by 2.4% up to € 1.94 bn (basis: food retailers + drug stores + hard discounters + gas station shops).

Once again the salty snacks product group stood out with above-average rates of increase. 65,478 tonnes and € 521.5 m represented an increase for the sector of 5.8% and 7.3%, respectively. Only the sweet baked goods sector kept a comparable pace of growth with salty snacks this time enjoying increased value of 5.7% up to € 218.4 m (sales volume + 1.9%).

Development with chocolate products was differentiated in the first two months of the year. While the sub-segment large tablets celebrated respective sales volume and revenue gains of 7.4 and 8.1% and praline specialities enjoyed a sales volume increase of 8.8% and revenue growth of 6.4%, giving chocolate tablets and pralines an increase overall, chocolate surprises and other chocolate products delivered a disappointing performance for the start of the new year.

Sugar confectionery sales fell far below the rate of the previous year, with the greatest losses in the segment fruit gums/marshmallow candies/liquorice (- 3.4%, - 3.6%) and bonbons (- 5.4%, - 4.2%). While chewable candies, puffed rice and chocolate-coated jellies demonstrated some significant increases, they were nevertheless unable to fully compensate for the overall negative trend with sugar confectionery.

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