14/12/2018 | International, Trade Fair
ISM 2019: more exhibitors, more space, more inspiration
The countdown is on: From 27 to 30 January 2019, the ISM as leading global trade fair for sweets and snacks will once again be bringing the supply and demand together at a worldwide level. Around 1,700 exhibitors from 73 countries – a new record – will present the whole world of sweets and snacks to the international trade audience on 120,000 square metres of exhibition space.
As such the exhibition space has increased once again by a further 8,500 square metres, because in addition to the previous seven halls, ISM is also being staged in Hall 3.1. At 86%, the anticipated share of foreign exhibitors remains to be very high and demonstrates the international alignment of the sweets and snacks industry. ProSweets Cologne, the international supplier fair for the sweets and snacks industry with around 330 exhibitors, will once again be staged parallel to ISM. Together both trade fairs cover the entire value chain in the production of sweets and snacks – a unique constellation worldwide. Traditionally, both market leaders as well as medium-sized and smaller companies participate at ISM. Germany is strongly represented again. Because they grant the many smaller and medium-sized companies access to buyers from all over the globe, the country pavilions are of great significance at ISM. At the coming ISM the following country pavilions are present Belgium (Brussels, Flanders, Wallonia), Brazil, the People‘s Republic of China, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy (Italy, South Tyrol, Arezzo), Canada (new), Lithuania, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain (Spain, Catalonia), the Czech Republic, Turkey, the Ukraine, the USA and the United Kingdom.