ISM 2018: diverse event programme on all four trade fair days

Presentations, workshops and special shows will enrich the ISM 2018 and the simultaneously held ProSweets Cologne fair. The “Trend and Theme Day” on Wednesday, January 31st, will present a very special programme for both retail and wholesale buyers as well as the industrial sector alike.
More than 1,600 exhibitors from 60 countries are set to present the whole wide range the confectionery and snacks industry has to offer at the 48th ISM in Cologne. The New Product Showcase featuring in excess of 130 display cases will be held once again in hall 2.2. This special show is a unique fountain of inspiration overflowing with the very latest new products from the fair‘s exhibitors, and all of the ISM visitors are eligible to participate in selecting this year‘s three best ISM innovations. This prize will be awarded during the fair on Tuesday, January 30th, at 11 am. The ISM Packaging Award powered by ProSweets Cologne will also be awarded again this year. Along with the new products in the ISM’s New Product Showcase, the fair will also present the three most innovative products from its affiliated trade fair, the yummex Middle East in Dubai, as well as a selection of packaging ideas from the ProSweets Cologne event.

Visitors to the fair will find input and inspiration for the ISM‘s themes featured on the fair‘s central boulevard this year. The New Snacks exhibition will present an attractive selection of products from the ”New Snacks” pavilion, providing the perfect transition to hall 5.2, where visitors can then find the appropriate contact persons. The ”Halal-Info-Point” on the main ISM boulevard will be on hand to provide information for any interested parties with questions regarding the classification and certification of Halal products.

The ISM‘s ”ExpertStage” will also be located on the main boulevard, featuring exciting presentations every day on a variety of topics and issues relevant to the industry. The Expert-Stage partner is once again Innova Market Insights. On Sunday, January 28th, there will also be an additional presentation on the issue of the customer experience called, “How can store design influence sweets categories?”, featuring Martin Gaber, Senior Consultant and partner of JosDeVries The Retail Company.

This year for the first time the final day of the ISM fair takes centre-stage with a special programme. On “Trend and Theme Day” starting at 11 am the topics under discussion on the Expert-Stage will range from trends in the industrial and commercial sectors, to start-ups, digital commerce, “Halal” and the market in the Middle East.

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