Barry Callebaut: strong increase in volume, slight decline in sales
The Barry Callebaut Group achieved strong sales volume growth of 8.0% to 532,165 tonnes during the first three months of fiscal year 2017/18 (ended on November 30, 2017). During the same period, the global chocolate confectionery market grew 3.1% (source: Source: Nielsen Chocolate confectionery sales in volume, August - October 2017).
According to the company, volume growth was fueled by all Regions and Product Groups. All the key growth drivers contributed to the market outperformance, Gourmet & Specialties (+ 8.9%), Emerging Markets (+ 11.1%) and Outsourcing (+ 8.1%).
Sales revenue for Barry Callebaut amounted to CHF 1.872 bn, a slight decline of 0.7% in CHF (- 3.2% in local currencies) versus prior year. This is mainly due to the impact of lower cocoa prices and other lower raw material prices, which, based on the company’s cost-plus model, are for the majority of its business passed on to customers.