The Board of Directors also honored the two Board members who had decided to step down: Andreas Schmid, who retired after 20 years on the Board of Barry Callebaut, of which six years as Chairman, and three years also CEO, and nine years as Vice-Chairman, as well as Wai Ling Liu, member of the Board since 2014. All other Board members, namely Patrick De Maeseneire, Fernando Aguirre, Jakob Baer, James Donald, Nicolas Jacobs, Timothy Minges and Juergen Steinemann were reelected for another term of office of one year.
The shareholders also approved the proposed payout of CHF 20.00 per share, an increase of 29% versus prior year. The payout will be effected partly in the form of a capital repayment by way of par value reduction (CHF 7.27 per share) and partly through a cash dividend (CHF 12.73 per share).