12/10/2017 | Ingredients

Südzucker posts higher revenues and results

Mannheim, Germany-based Südzucker AG has increased consolidated group revenues 9% to € 3.493 bn in the first half of the current 2017/18 fiscal year (1 March 2017 to 31 August 2017).
The group was able to generate a significantly higher operating result. It was up € 73 m to € 282 m.

The sugar and CropEnergies segments were the main contributors to the higher revenues. The special products segment’s revenues also rose moderately, while the fruit segment’s were about the same as last year. The result improvement was driven pri-marily by the sugar segment, but the CropEnergies and fruit segments also contributed. As expected, the special products segment was unable to match last year's high result.

The sugar segment's revenues climbed to € 1.516 (previous year: 1.382) bn. The increase was driven especially by higher sugar sales revenues than last year. Declining volume in the EU was more than offset by higher export volumes. Higher sugar sales revenues were also the main reason for the higher operating result, which rose to € 111 (previous year: 40) m. The first fiscal half-year results were impacted by improving quota sugar sales revenues since October 2016 and higher non-quota sugar sales revenues than last year during the reporting period.

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