ZDS: first 3D printing congress for confectionery and snacks

One of the most exciting developments of the last years is the technology of 3D printing.
The International Congress for Additive Production and 3D Food Printing in September 19 to 20, 2017 at the Academy of Sweets ZDS in Solingen/Germany aims at explaining how 3D printers can be applied appropriately in the food industry, and which requirements need to be fulfilled.

One main focus of the congress is the additive manufacturing by means of 3D printing for the more effective product development by producing prototypes. The major advantage of this technique lies in the production of parts without any offcut and an exact tailoring to the needs of the respective area of application. Experts present tailor-made application areas of additive manufacturing by means of 3D printing as well as the appropriate printing process and materials.

On the second day of the conference, the trend towards individualization is taken into account. Innovative developments with the use of 3D food printers in the production and the individualization of confectionery and snacks will be the main focus. International expert speakers will familiarize the conference participants with the technology of 3D food printing. Demonstrations of 3D printing complete the congress program and offer participants the opportunity to talk to the speakers and to discuss the applications for their own company.

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