ProSweets Cologne: ZDS 3D-Congress postponed to September

The “International ZDS Congress for Additive Manufacturing and 3D-Food Printing for the Confectionery and Snack Industry” was rescheduled from ProSweets Cologne program and postponed on 19/20 September at ZDS in Solingen.

The congress offers with its wide range of information a current overview of chances and limits of the 3D-technology for production-related technical users as well as product developers. To this end the 3D-Printing of plastics, metals and paper for the manufacturing of equipment, spare parts, prototypes and packaging will be highlighted from an economic point of view and will therefore address machine manufacturers as well as technical areas of the product manufacturers. Enormous growth rates are inspiring the respective branch. Also for the confectionery and snack industry, there are interesting opportunities in this segment in view to the production-accompanying function (prototype manufacturing, spare part production and device construction) as well as the manufacturing itself.

On the other hand, the congress also deals with the most current developments in the area of the 3D-Food Printing. In this context, it is about the necessary material characteristics for food printing and additive manufacturing as well as the most innovative print technologies. For example, there will be a demonstration of a chocolate printer for tempered chocolate. An ideal environment for creative product developers.

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