The Magic Candy Factory celebrates the launch with a “nationwide consumer weekend celebration” set to take place June 9-10. After becoming the exclusive U.S. partner of Magic Candy Factory, Dylan’s Candy Bar offers its customers the kind of personalized printed gummy treats. The unusual Magic Candy Factory 3D printer, which can create custom candies in under five minutes, will offer eight different colors and flavours, 100 fun and creative designs, the ability to add text, and an optional “magic” finish such as glitter or fizzy dust. The flat rate for any Magic Candy Factory treat at Dylan’s Candy Bar is USD 20.
“Magic Candy Factory is an incredible innovation,” said Dylan Lauren, daughter of fashion designer Ralph Lauren and owner of Dylan’s Candy Bar. “Dylan's Candy Bar has been excitedly watching the trends in candy personalization. We can't wait to dazzle our customers with the magic creativity of Willy Wonka's factory, merged with modern day technology.”