Sales again increased in the Germany segment. Revenues went up by 3.2% compared with 2014 to € 7.683 bn. In the segment Rest of Western Europe, growth in sales was even stronger with an increase of 5.7% to € 4.802 bn. Also, all three product ranges at Lekkerland – tobacco goods, food / non-food and commissions on electronic value (e-va) / miscellaneous succeeded in expanding their revenues. The tobacco goods product group increased by 4.0% to € 9.940 bn, sales in the higher margin food / non-food product group went up by 4.6% to € 2.434 bn, and the Lekkerland Group was able to increase sales in the commissions on electronic value (e-va) / miscellaneous product range by 5.1% to € 111.2 m.
Sales of the system customers channel grew disproportionately overall in 2015 with an increase of 6.5% to € 4.113 bn. The filling stations channel increased proportionately to the overall expansion of sales by 4.2% to € 6.372 bn, while the regional customers channel stagnated with sales of € 1.999 bn by comparison with the previous year.
Lekkerland succeeded in expanding customer relations in all countries. In this context, acquiring Starbucks as a customer was particularly notable, as the first large international Quick Service restaurant chain in Germany. Furthermore, numerous contracts were extended with existing customers, for example with Westfalen Group in Germany or with Zena Group in Spain, a leading restaurant chain. The customer base was significantly expanded in Switzerland with the takeover of competitor Contadis, initiated in the previous year and meanwhile completed.