ProSweets Cologne 2016: increase in attendance

Positive result down the line for the 8th ProSweets Cologne for the 336 exhibitors. Around 17,600 trade visitors were registered over the course of the four days of the fair, which corresponds to a 4% increase in the number of visitors.
The share of foreign visitors was approx, 65%. The number of exhibitors also increased slightly in 2016 compared to the previous year.

“Here in Cologne, the supplier industry finds ideal conditions which enable them to present their new technologies and applications to the innovative, investment-happy sweets and snacks manufacturers,” said Katharina C. Hamma, Chief Operating Officer, Koelnmesse GmbH, when the trade fair came to a close. From the view of the ProSweets Cologne exhibitors, above all the quality of the visitors was of central importance for the success of the trade fair. The once again increased share of decision-makers from the management floors and production departments enabled top level discussions to be held.

The fact that ISM was held simultaneously led to the expert dialogues being particularly intensive and target-oriented. In the scope of the trade visitor surveys that were carried out at the trade fair, already 62% of the respondents confirmed that they intend to visit ProSweets Cologne again in 2017. Furthermore, 92% would recommend a close business acquaintance to visit the trade fair. Over 80% of the visitors were either satisfied or very satisfied with their visit to ProSweets Cologne. The next ProSweets Cologne is scheduled to take place from 29 January to 1 February 2017.

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