Lotus Bakeries buys majority stake in Natural Balance Foods

The Belgian baked goods company Lotus Bakeries has announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Natural Balance Foods (NBF), the pioneering British wholefood company.
NBF is revolutionary within the snacking sector with its range of innovative wholefood bars and snacks, made with 100% natural ingredients, sold under the N?kd and Trek brands. Over the last three years, NBF has grown sales threefold, primarily driven by an explosive demand for its all - natural products across the UK’s major grocery and re tail, as increasingly health - conscious consumers gravitate towards healthy and tasty snacking solutions.

The company, which has 40 employees, was founded in 2004 by Californian brothers Jamie and Greg Combs, who have successful ly led the rapid, mainstream emergence and acceptance of wholefood alternative products . Net Sales Value of NBF for the year to 31st March 2015 was GBP 20 m, and is estimated to be approximately GBP 33 m in the current year.



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