44th ISM in Cologne: Good registration figures in all segments

In 2014 it will once again be the international meeting place for the confectionery and snack items trade: the 44th ISM - international trade fair for sweets and snacks in Cologne from 26 to 29 January 2014. Every year around 1,400 suppliers from 70 countries participate in the trade fair. It is the most important information and business platform for the sector, attracting a top-class trade public of about 35,000 buyers from some 150 countries to Cologne. With good registration figures in all segments and the return of well-known companies, the upcoming ISM looks certain to be a big domestic and international success.

German confectionery and snack item producers will again take full advantage of ISM as a strong marketing tool. Many well-known German companies such as Gubor, Hachez, Halloren, Intersnack, Katjes, Krüger, Lambertz, The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World, Mederer, Niederegger, Ragolds, Rausch, Rübezahl Schokoladen, Ültje, Zentis and Haribo - to name just a few - are among the around 250 German companies that will present their attractive products and innovations at ISM 2014.

"Once a year, ISM gives Rübezahl and its brands the opportunity to provide its customers from Germany and abroad with comprehensive information about its product range and new items," says Claus Cersovsky, Managing Director of Rübezahl Schokoladen, describing the reasons for his company's regular participation in the fair. ISM is also the right business and networking platform for Jörg Viader, Managing Partner of Ragolds GmbH. "For us, ISM consists of four trade fair days on which we can personally contact all of our customers," he says.

After having been absent from ISM for a long time. Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co KG, will once again be present at the fair. The medium-sized chocolate bar manufacturer is based near Stuttgart. Its innovative exhibition concept in Hall 11.2 was initiated by Koelnmesse and focuses on the business aspect of the company's trade fair participation in the coming year. "Having personal contact to our customers is very important to us, and we are therefore delighted that we will have a networking and consulting concept at ISM that is tailored to our needs," says Thomas Mönkemöller, Business Director National at Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG. "We have thus found a suitable business platform within ISM, which provides us with an important forum for domestic and international contacts," adds Olaf Wilke, Business Director International and Board of Management Member of Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co.KG.

Pringles (Switzerland) will also exhibit at ISM 2014 and will thus impressively supplement the range of snacks at the trade fair. The percentage of exhibitors from abroad has traditionally been high at ISM. In the coming year, more than 83 per cent of the suppliers will once again come from outside Germany. The countries sending the most exhibitors are Italy, Belgium, France, Spain, the Netherlands, the UK and Switzerland. Large numbers of participants will also come from Brazil, China, Poland and the USA.

The ProSweets Cologne Conference will take place at ISM 2014 on 28 January 2014. From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., experts will be providing information on "Developments in the Production of Sweets and Savoury Snacks". On account of the event cycle, Pro Sweets Cologne, International Trade Fair for Suppliers of the Confectionery Industry, will not be held in 2014 and will instead take place again in parallel with ISM in Cologne in 2015.



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