The start into 2012 was calm for the European aluminium foil manufactures in line with the European economic markets. The first three months showed an overall shipments decrease of almost five per cent to 204,000t compared to last year’s first quarter according to figures published by the European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA). Thinner gauges mostly used for flexible packaging and household foil declined by almost six per cent. The shipments of thicker foil segments typically used for semi-rigid container and technical applications fell by almost ten per cent. However, exports (EAFA region covers Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg) from Europe rose by almost nine per cent underlining the competiveness of the European foil rollers on a global level.
Commenting the start of the year and the outlook EAFA’s Executive Director Stefan Glimm said: “The slow start reflects the overall European economic situation with quite stable regions and less performing areas. The prevention of food waste through its excellent barrier and preservation properties should provide aluminium foil a healthy future.”