
Halloren releases excellent figures

At a press conference held in Halle an der Saale, Klaus Lellé and Andreas Stuhl of the Halloren board presented the group’s 2011 figures. Overall sales rose up to € 69.43 m, an increase of 11% on the previous year. Net sales, adjusted to reflect deductions, were up from € 60.65 m to € 68.11 m (+ 12.3%). Operating profit did not grow as fast, due primarily to steep increases in the cost of raw materials and ingredients.

In particular, a dramatic 50% hike in the cost of sugar impacted severely on the concern's results. EBITDA slid from € 6.13 m to € 4.25 m. EBIT totalled € 1.42 m. Thanks to a solid overall performance and income from investments, surplus was up considerably this past business year (€ 2.6 m; previous year € 1.56 m). A detailed financial report will be presented at the analysts' conference May 2012.

Halloren is optimistic about the current year 2012. Sales of over € 86 m (up from € 68.1 m) are anticipated. Despite the volatile situation on the commodity market and growing pressure on margins, Halloren management expects EBIT to increase up to € 3.8 m.


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