
Barry Callebaut: Outperforming global chocolate market

Barry Callebaut AG outperformed the global chocolate market (- 0.7%, source: Nielsen September 2011 until November 2011) with sales volume growth of 2.6% in the first three months of fiscal year 2011/12, ended November 30, 2011. Region Americas grew by double-digits whereas Region Asia-Pacific recorded slower growth and Region Europe slightly decreased.

The Food Manufacturers Products business grew at + 4.5% and the Gourmet & Specialties Products business increased volume by 3.4%. Quarterly sales revenue outpaced volume growth with a gain of + 5.0% in local currencies, - 4.1% after translation into Swiss francs. Sales volume in Region Europe decreased by 0.8% to 191,832 tonnes. The debt crisis in Europe negatively impacted consumer sentiment, especially in Southern Europe. In Eastern Europe, sales volume continued to grow strongly - driven by Poland, Russia and the Baltic States. However, Eastern Europe could not fully compensate for the slight volume decrease in Western Europe. Overall, sales revenue in Region Europe increased by 1.2% in local currencies. In reporting currency, it declined by 8.2% due to negative currency impacts.


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