Globally 8000 new chocolate products in 2008
The UK chocolate market alone was worth about £ 3.4 bn in 2008 and globally, more than 8000 new chocolate products have been introduced in the past 12 months, according to Mintel s Global New Products Database. This equates to a new treat almost every hour of every day. The trend in confectionery overall in 2009 is to try and link indulgence with extra health or beauty benefits, rather than simply focusing on the taste. The chocolate market is being driven by the premium sector with functional foods seeing some intriguing developments. In Japan, a new brand called Xyli Power Chocolate is designed to be tooth-friendly, eaten just before people go to bed. The product has been created by dentists and claims to prevent the growth of plaque-causing bacteria and "strengthen" teeth overnight. Lotte s Zero brand chocolate, also available in Japan, has also been reformulated to include more dietary fibre. Marketingweek -