Nestlé is well above long-term target
During the first nine months of 2008, consolidated sales of the Nestlé Group amounted to CHF 81.4 billion, an increase of 3.4% in Swiss francs over the same period last year. According to the company, reported sales benefited from a very strong organic growth of 8.9%, including 3.4% real internal growth. Acquisitions, net of divestitures, added another 2.5% to Group sales. The currency effect reduced Group sales by 8.0% due to the strength of the Swiss franc compared to most other currencies. The Group`s Food and Beverages business, with sales of CHF 75.8 billion, was the main contributor to growth, achieving organic growth of 8.9%, including real internal growth of 3.0%.
The confectionery sector achieved sales of CHF 8.7 billion, 9.1% organic growth and 2.8% real internal growth. Nestlé reported that the relaunch of the “Best Ever” Kit Kat proved to be successful and the launch of Kit Kat Senses in the UK, Germany and France was also showing strong early results. These initiatives, as well as a continued strong performance in emerging markets contributed to this billionaire brand`s double-digit growth.