Sweet Eurasia continues its exhibitor and visitor promotion
Sweet Eurasia, the annual sweets, chocolate, biscuits and confectionery exhibition is an international and professional trade fair for the whole of the “sweet” industry joining Eurasian Region – one of the most booming regions in the world. The four days event will provide immense opportunities to highlight and differentiate your high quality offering in the sweets, confectionery, chocolate, biscuits, bakery, ice-cream, snack food & technologies world. 10 bn $ worth of Eurasian market is composed of half bn population with an increasing disposable income and therefore still maintaining a very good opportunity for the investors from all over the world. Moving on from this fact, Sweet Eurasia becomes the best platform while bringing sweet products manufacturers, distributors, importers, exporters, retailers, hypermarkets and chain stores under one roof in Istanbul-Turkey.
The promotion programme will ensure an increased exhibitor and visitor profile for Sweet Eurasia 2008 while enabling them to turn Istanbul into a platform to find new distributors in a vast market and exchange their significant experiences. The companies can be sure to benefit from the further development of the concept in 2008. If the strategic goal is a conquest of Eurasian Region “sweet” market, participation and visiting the exhibition Sweet Eurasia is an absolute must.