Griesson-de Beukelaer growth bucks market trend

German baked goods manufacturers Griesson-de Beukelaer (GdB) achieved growth of 4.3% in 2007, with sales totalling € 419.3 m (2006: € 402 m). € 248.3 m was generated on the German market. 2007 production volume stood at 146,000
tonnes (2006: 141,000 tonnes). A sum of €27 m was invested last year, including € 12 m in marketing. The number of employees rose from 1,800 in 2006 to 1,865. Exports rose by 11% and were worth € 171 m. Sales abroad meanwhile account for 41% of overall sales. GdB anticipates exports to account for over 50% in the medium term. After achieving strong growth in western Europe and North America, GdB is planning to focus on eastern Europe. The concern says acquisitions have not been ruled out.

The biggest challenge faced by GdB, which bought back the 40% stake formerly owned by Groupe Danone in 2007, was the spiralling costs of ingredients and energy. "We have reached a turning point in terms of food retail prices,” said Andreas Land, managing partner at GdB.“ Priceswill continue to rise this coming year too.” GdB has responded by increasing prices considerably.

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