New record year for Lindt & Sprüngli

For the third year in succession, Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG, Kilchberg, reported a double-digit increase in sales, with the highest-ever growth rate in the company s history. With group sales for 2006 totaling CHF 2.586 bn (previous year CHF 2.247 bn), the increase over 2005 amounted to 15.1% in Swiss francs and 13.7% in local currencies. According the company s press release, all group subsidiaries contributed towards this encouraging result and substantially boosted their market shares at the same time.

Per capita chocolate consumption in the important European and North American markets remained more or less static while sales growth in terms of value in the highly competitive chocolate market was only slight. Apart from this, chocolate consumption in many countries was depressed by the early, hot summer. Despite the rather negative environment, Lindt & Sprüngli still managed to outperform the overall market significantly everywhere, strengthening its position accordingly. Group companies posted major successes with seasonal products, especially during the important Easter and Christmas periods, as well as with its main product categories, tablets and Lindor .

In all European markets, the increase in sales was way above overall market growth. Several European companies reported do uble-digit increases in sales. The outstanding developments in the duty free and export sectors likewise made a major contribution towards the Swiss company s operational success. The North American subsidiaries Lindt & Sprüngli and Ghirardelli in the USA, as well as Canada and Mexico, also posted high double-digit growth. Lindt & Sprüngli reported equally good results in its remaining overseas markets.

As in previous years, Lindt & Sprüngli expects that the percentage increase in EBIT and net income will be even higher than the growth in sales. The complete financial statements will be published on 20 March 2007.

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