Schools use soft drink money

According the US online agency "Gannett News Service ", the money schools have received from soft drink suppliers for the exclusive right to sell their products on campus has paid for stuff principals say they wouldn t have been able to afford otherwise.
When a Pepsi bottler agreed several years ago to give a cluster of schools in New Palestine, Ind., $700,000 over 10 years, the district asked for - and got - $600,00 up front so it could buy a 63-acre tract to build a future school.
"We got a piece of property that, in essence, we paid nothing for. It didn t cost our taxpayers anything," said Bob Yoder, assistant superintendent for the Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County. "It s been a sweet deal for us."
Future contracts might not be as sweet now that the soft drink industry has agreed to restrict the sale of full-calorie sodas - the drinks most often sold - from school vending machines.

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