
Reber expect growth of 10% during Mozart anniversary year

The World Cup in Germany and the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth are two big events in 2006 certain to drive advertising and promotional activity in the consumer goods industry. In time for Mozart’s 250th birthday on January 27th 2006 Mozart Kugel chocolates manufacturers Paul Reber have been already able to present some impressive results. By the end of 2005 sales of their core product had already risen by over 10%. “We began distributing our Mozart anniversary articles in September 2005 and this has already generated more revenue than expected,”says MD Peter Botzleiner-Reber. There has been re-ordering on a “massive” scale. Reber has thus been able to further strengthen their position as market leader in Germany. In addition more new Mozart special editions are scheduled for 2006. Botzleiner- Reber anticipates growth of 10% for the current year – the trend in favour of premium products is still strong.

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