Nestlé targets brands at hard discounters
Nestlé says it will embrace moves by hard discounters to sell more branded products as part of its plan to recover from difficult times on Europe’s food and drink market. If you can t beat them join them, that s what they say. And the world s number one food producer is no different, announcing that it plans to increase product lines in Europe s hard discount stores.
Group spokesperson, Roddi Child-Villiers, said at today s nine-month results conference that Nestlé was “delighted” by discount retailer Aldi s announcement this week that it would consider stocking branded goods.
Nestlé said the discounter channel was now the fastest growing category for its products in Europe and that “discounters that have taken on branded products have grown much, much faster”.
“We are doing our best to make sure ou brands are in there,” said Child-Villiers, adding that Nestlé s deal with Lidl, Aldi s rival, was already progressing well. The group said it had expanded its brand coverage by more than 10 per cent in Lidl this year.