NCA expands All Candy Expo to include sweet, salty snacks

The board of trustees of the National Confectioners Association (NCA) is opening the doors of the annual All Candy Expo to manufacturers of cookies and biscuits, sweet snacks, nuts and salty snacks beginning in 2007. The decision to expand the types of products on display at the trade show, previously limited to gum, candy and chocolate items, follows the trustees’ decision to adopt the global definition of confectionery.

According to the NCA, the decision follows “extensive research” with domestic and international retailers and wholesalers, the majority of which the trade group says indicated the expo would be of greater business value to them if the related product categories were included.

While makers of such items as breakfast snacks, fruit snacks and similar products will be eligible to exhibit, the expansion does not include manufacturers of ice cream, meat snacks and packaged cakes.

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