EHI study confirms importance of the check-out

In a recent study undertaken by EHI Euro Handelsinstitut, Cologne, on behalf of BAT, Ferrero, Langnese and Wrigley, the importance of the check-out zone as a significant, profitable sales area was confirmed. Three distribution channels were examined. Within the range of confectionery articles on sale at check-outs, chewing gum dominates.
The latest EHI Retail Network analysis reports this sales area performance is strong, accounting for up to 5% of overall sales in a store. Productivity per square metre is highest and yield almost five times higher than average for food retail sales.
The number of confectionery articles on sale in the check-out zone remained constant across the board. In smaller sized supermarkets 98 of an average 263 items on sale in the check-out zone are confectionery products; in supermarkets in department stores 108 of 345.

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