ACNielsen report increase in sales up to November 2004
The year 2004 was largely satisfactory for the German confectionery industry.A number of successful new products were launched and cooler summer temperatures gave chocolate sales a chance to recover from the damaging effects of the 2003 heatwave. The ACNielsen confectionery monitor for the period January – November 2004 reveals that Aldi sales slowed down.Other discounters reported stronger growth. Confectionery sales up until calendar week 48 totalled € 7.607 bn (food retail stores, Aldi, impulse channels) – growth of 4.6%. Sales in food retail stores grew at an above average rate of 5.5%, rising to €5.6 bn.Impulse channel confectionery sales (not including sweet biscuits and puffed rice) were up 2.3% to €607 m,while Aldi confectionery sales (not including chocolate marshmallows, fruit gums, licorice and mallows) grew 2.0% to reach € 1.4 bn. Double digit growth in discount sector The 5.5% growth rate reported for food retail store confectionery sales breaks down into growth in all channels except“ others”(-8.5%,€560 m). Sales of confectionery in discount stores grew 10.9% up to € 1.873 bn. For small supermarkets (+7.8%/ € 874 m) and large supermarkets (+5.8%/ € 852 m) above-average growth was reported. Sales of chocolate,the major product category,increased by 5.2% to total €3.518 bn.In food retail stores chocolate sales were up 6.4% (€2.619 bn),with slower growth reported for impulse channels (+2.1%/€232 m) and Aldi (+1.5%/ €668 m). A breakdown of the chocolate segment data (not including Aldi) reveals particularly strong growth in sales of assorted chocolates (+22.6%). Sales of chocolate bars (100g and over ) were up 7.3% while sales of smaller-sized chocolate bars (99g and under) grew 53.1% – from a low base. For the strongest individual category, chocolate snack bars,sales of € 609 m were reported (+5.9%). According to ACNielsen sugar confectionery sales rose 3.0% up to € 1.749 bn. Aldi led the field with growth of 6.3%.Growth in food retail stores (+2.8%/ €1.288 bn) and impulse channels (+1.9%/ € 293 m). was more moderate.Strongest percentage growth in food retail stores (not including Aldi) was reported for puffed rice (+14.7%) and fruit or wine gums (+9.8%/ € 338.5 m). Sales of sweets (-0.7%/ €447.8 m) and chewing gum (-1.2%/€242.3 m) remained below previous year results. Aldi sugar confectionery sales generate growth A detailed glance at salty snack sales reveals some interesting developments.Overall sales rose 4.8% to € 1.272 bn. In food retail stores sales climbed 7.5% to € 935 m. Impulse channel sales grew 4.7% to reach € 83 m, while sales of snacks in Aldi branches dipped 3.9% to € 254 m.