
Chocolate and sex

Chocolate increases women s sex drive - or so urologists in Milan have claimed. According to the results of a survey published during Advent consuming chocolate is directly related to an increased sex drive. The scientists maintain their research has shown that women who regularly consume chocolate not only want more sex but also enjoy it more than women who don t. This news is likely to be welcomed by the chocolate industry and retail trade.
Plain chocolate can help overcome impotence because it contains substances which dilate blood vessels. Bramble jam is also said to promote erectile function, according to the findings of an international study examining the issue of impotence - summarised in the magazine Men s Health. Plain chocolate containing at least 50% cocoa solids is as effective as Viagra. Certain substances in the chocolate stimulate vascular dilation throughout the body including the penis. Just 50 g a day can increase dilation by 10%.
Dark berries such as elderberries, blueberries and brambles have the same effect due to the fact that they contain strong anti oxidants.

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