Lambertz Group continues to grow despite lull in consumer spending
The Henry Lambertz group reported sales for the business year 2003/04 (ending 30.6) grew 2 %, up to € 424 m. 64.2 % of the group’s total revenue is now generated by sales of all year round articles. A breakdown of group sales reveals that the core business in Aachen accounted for the lion’s share, with sales worth € 225.6 m (previous: € 220.9 m).Lebkuchen Weiss sales totalled €79.6 m (€80.1 m),Heemann Ladbergen € 34.9 m, Kinkartz € 31.8 m, Feinbäckerei Otten € 28.5 m and Haeberlein Metzger €12.0 m.The Lambertz group currently employs 3,512 people. Lambertz Polonia on steady course According to Lambertz growth was driven above all by successful new product lines and the extension of distribution network.Exports grew to account for 11 % of overall sales.Although distribution in the USA was significantly extended, sales figures suffered as a result of the weak US dollar. Subsidiary Lambertz Polonia in Kattowitz reported growth of 34.9 % up to € 11.6m. Establishing a production facility in Poland well in advance of EU enlargement has turned out to be a wise decision. Experience gathered here over the past few years has facilitated access to markets in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria and the Russian Federation, where products manufactured by Lambertz Polonia sell well. Last year the group invested the sum of € 12.0 m. Alongside investment in production equipment the company also began to implement comprehensive measures aimed at optimising efficiency and trimming down the production range. Close cooperation with retail partners,the development of attractive,products and further improvement of the distribution give owner Dr Hermann Bühlbecker good reason to feel confident his company will continue to record sound growth despite the difficult economic environment currently prevalent.