After Party beim SG Neujahrsempfang

SG New Year's reception

The SG New Year’s Reception in Munich is the perfect start to the new year for the confectionery industry. Meet over 300 decision-makers and take advantage of excellent networking opportunities. The day ends with an elegant gala in the evening, at which the prestigious SG Golden Watch and the Pioneer Award are awarded – an honour for special services to the confectionery industry. Don’t miss out on this highlight and experience an unforgettable evening.

After Party beim SG Neujahrsempfang



Auftakt des SG Neujahrsempfang im Eataly in München

Kick-off event

  • 19:30: Kick-off event
  • Eataly


Infokonferenz beim SG Neujahrsempfang im Hotel Bayerischer Hof in München

Info Conference

9:30 AM TO 12:30 PM, Festsaal Hotel Bayerischer Hof


With the SPIEGEL bestselling authors

  • Sabine Kuegler on her life as a “jungle child”
  • Prof. Stephan Bierling on the fight for world order


Edmund Besecke erhält die goldene Uhr des SG

Reception and gala evening

6:30 PM, Ballroom Hotel Bayerischer Hof

  • Presentation of the “Golden Watch of the SG”
  • Presentation of the “SG Pioneer Award”
  • Dinner and party


SG Neujahrsempfang
Edmund Besecke erhält die goldene Uhr des SG
Infokonferenz beim SG Neujahrsempfang im Hotel Bayerischer Hof in München
After Party beim SG Neujahrsempfang
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