Aktuelles bei Sweets Global Network

About us

SWEETS GLOBAL NETWORK is the international confectionery trade association, communication platform and network for confectionery experts.
With over 300 member companies from ten countries, we represent a diverse community of confectionery wholesalers, specialist retailers, importers, agencies and manufacturers as well as around 40 supporting members from the confectionery supply industry.

About us

SWEETS GLOBAL NETWORK is the international confectionery trade association, communication platform and network for confectionery experts.
With over 300 member companies from ten countries, we represent a diverse community of confectionery wholesalers, specialist retailers, importers, agencies and manufacturers as well as around 40 supporting members from the confectionery supply industry.

Aktuelles bei Sweets Global Network

Who we are

In the past few years, the international confectionery trade association SWEETS GLOBAL NETWORK has gradually expanded its work and established itself as an important international information and communication platform for the confectionery industry. True to the motto ‘Think global, act local’, the association endeavours to take into account the prevailing and growing trends towards a global information and knowledge society without ignoring local concerns. The two are mutually dependent: management and employees in domestic industrial companies must pay attention to international standards in order not to fall behind in the export business. On the other hand, import and distribution companies ensure that products from all over the world are in demand on the shelves of German retailers.

Who we are

In the past few years, the international confectionery trade association SWEETS GLOBAL NETWORK has gradually expanded its work and established itself as an important international information and communication platform for the confectionery industry. True to the motto ‘Think global, act local’, the association endeavours to take into account the prevailing and growing trends towards a global information and knowledge society without ignoring local concerns. The two are mutually dependent: management and employees in domestic industrial companies must pay attention to international standards in order not to fall behind in the export business. On the other hand, import and distribution companies ensure that products from all over the world are in demand on the shelves of German retailers.

Sweets Global Network - Wer wir sind


Our team – Get to know the people behind our projects with their commitment and expertise. Find out more about the people who characterise our work and together make our success possible.


Our team – Get to know the people behind our projects with their commitment and expertise. Find out more about the people who characterise our work and together make our success possible.

Team von Sweets Global Network


Our organisational structure – Get an insight into the structure of our company, including the Supervisory Board, the Chairmen of the Executive Board and the Honorary Chairmen.


Our organisational structure – Get an insight into the structure of our company, including the Supervisory Board, the Chairmen of the Executive Board and the Honorary Chairmen.
Organisationsstruktur bei Sweets Global Network


Statute – Find out more about the basic guidelines and structures of our company.


Statute – Find out more about the basic guidelines and structures of our company.

Satzung von Sweets Global Network